Savings Accounts versus Gold

Written by Sally

In the past we’ve told you TallyMoney offers one of the quickest ways to reach your savings goals.

We’ve told you how gold has consistently returned, on average, more than 10% p.a. for two decades.

And we’ve told you that the only way to really beat inflation is to move away from the banks.

Now we can SHOW you too.

You see, we’ve created a brand new calculator so you can see how your savings would fair against a typical easy-access savings account.

It’s pretty nifty, and we think it’s eye-opening.

You see, we’ve mapped historic UK interest rates against gold prices, and we’ve used the data to create a sliding scale showing exactly how much money you’d have today if you’d put your money in gold instead of an instant access savings account at any point over the past 10 years.

They say a picture paints a thousand words, so we’ll let you look for yourself…

Gold—the ultimate inflation hedge

You see, the truth is, the banks don’t care about you. It’s nothing personal—they don’t care about us either. The only thing they do care about is profit. So, they offer you the lowest interest rate they can on your savings for as long as they can.

Meanwhile, the banks profit from lending out your money. Problem is, you make such a small return on your savings while they’re making money, you’re actually losing money in real terms thanks to inflation—even with compounding.

Gold is different.

Gold doesn’t care about anything—you, us, not even the postman.

It doesn’t need to.

Gold is simply a metal. And it’s been used as a store of value for thousands of years.

There are two reasons for this:

One, gold has a limited supply—you can’t print more of it. And two, it’s what’s known as a “safe-haven asset”—people buy more of it when things are uncertain.

It all means gold’s value rises with—and typically outstrips—inflation rather than being eroded by it.

It’s why our calculator shows the total amount generated by gold to be so much higher than banks over any timeframe.

Oh, and when we said gold doesn’t care about you… it’s worth pointing out that we do.

It’s why—as well as offering you an opportunity to invest your wealth in gold at a lower cost than anything else on the market—we aim to do everything your bank does… but better.

We store the gold we buy on your behalf in a secure vault in Switzerland rather than lending it out. 

We give you instant, free access to your gold when you use your card for withdrawals and everyday purchases.

And you pay less tax by classifying your returns as capital gains rather than interest.

In short, TallyMoney always has your back.

So, give our new calculator tool a go and get a feel for how much wealthier you could become if you ditch your bank and move to “the gold side”.

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